How it works

Meducate provides options for learning medicine through collaboration. You register with us and have options for how you learn:

  • have matched tutor-tutee sessions!
  • use our Q&A forum to post medical questions and have discussions!
  • use our tutee matching “Study Buddy”system whereby you can do questions with others studying for the same exam!
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User Registration:

Whether you are a medical student or practising physician, you can register in different ways


teach one-on-one sessions, access our Q&A


learn from tutor-tutee sessions or use our “Study Buddy” platform, access our Q&A


The best of both worlds- learn and teach!

How Sessions Work:

  • You provide us with your preferences for time, length of session, country of study, preferred tutors, topic and provide details of what you want to get out of it
  • Your request is matched in real time
  • We bring you into a messaging service with your matched tutor and you decide together when to launch your conferencing call
  • You both collaborate, teach and learn using our convenient and easy to use interface
  • After sessions, you provide feedback for one another and that is it!
  • You can have another session whenever you want, no commitment and no individual fees

You Are Ready To Go:

Register with us today to make learning medicine interactive, convenient and more enjoyable!

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Are you still facing any issues?

If you are facing any issues, contact us below. Our team will be glad to assist!

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